Program Changes and/or Amendments
Agency Characteristics & HUD Standards
What is the total number of units (if applicable)? What is the total number of beds? Of the total number of beds, what are the total number of beds dedicated to clients who meet the HUD definition of chronic homelessness or DedicatedPLUS?
Project Quality & Performance
Describe any strategies and/or efforts made during the last 12 months to improve program outcomes. Discuss how your agency has used data including HMIS reports to identify ways to improve services, program design, staff development, and/or outcomes shown through Quarterly Performance Scorecards or other performance measures. Describe how the implemented changes have improved both your organization and your project outcomes. (*First-time renewals which do not have 12-month worth of program performance, please put N/A.) (500-word limit).
Please describe how the practice of Housing First is implemented at your agency, specifically in reference to policies and practices that ensure fidelity to the Housing First approach. (500-word limit).